LIfE//Bri's Ramblings.

since when is it necessary to let people know you don't care about them or that you don't like what they stand for or with whom they learning everyday that if you truly do not care, then you let it go and move on.if you don't like a food you don't just eat it over and over again because you want it to know you hate it...{except} im guilty of venting my frustrations about people, but what good did that do?WHO CARES?!?!?Last year I heard a woman say "before you say something negative, ask it necessary?" is that person going to change their ways because you don't like them....I doubt it.Are they going to shrivel and fall apart because you called them fake?....Hell nah, they are gonna keep doing whatever "fake" activities they were doing before you say it.why would your opinion matter...okay, there are those people who feed off of others' opinions, but there are people who took their lives because of constant bullying...the "no hate" campaign should be for people in general not just people of certain sexual orientations.the world should be a no hate up.i know more than ever that success isn't possible when you listen to those who don't believe in you.i know that i will achieve all of my dreams or die trying...Lets just give it a rest people.
love, bri


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